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Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

393 reviews
4.16 / 5 based on 393 reviews
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Useful  |  4
Excellent University with some improvable points
Spain, Undergraduate
Economics, 2020
Six years at Pompeu Fabra University are enough to deep into the universities' strengths and weaknesses. Despite being a young university is has been ranked by the Times Higher Education among the 100 best universities in Europe and the best University in Spain. Consequently, Pompeu Fabra stands out for its quality, especially in the social science disciplines such as economics or international business administration. 
The University has made wide efforts to promote internationalization and adapt to new educational methods. Thus, it not only accepts many international students coming from the best universities in the world, but it also promotes studying abroad through many exchanges. 
The functioning of the university is clear. There are some master classes mostly done by associate professors who are currently working in important firms or companies, and there are seminars of a minimum of two hours per subject. In those, reality cases or practical exercises are studied to get in contact with the practicality of different job prospects. 
There are three campuses located closely one each other in Barcelona, so it is easy to know people from other disciplines. 
However, Pompeu Fabra University has a severe disadvantage associated with the shortage of organizational capacity. It is almost impossible to balance the studying life with any working opportunity or necessity. Schedules vary each week, and there is no attendance flexibility. Moreover, there are many empty hours between lessons, so if you don't live close to the campus, you are forced to spent the whole day in it. On the other hand, campuses count on many services, and they are well-equipped.
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Quality, wide education availability, high student life.
High difficulty to balance student life with working experiences
Useful  |  2
Opinion UPF - Tecnocampus
Tomàs K
Spain, Undergraduate
Marketing and Sales Management, 2023
As a marketing student who has attended Tecnocampus in Mataró, I can confidently say that it's a great place to study and grow as a professional.

The professors are knowledgeable, experienced, and always willing to help students. They provide valuable insights into the latest trends and developments in the marketing industry, and they encourage students to think critically and creatively.

The courses offered at Tecnocampus are well-designed and provide a comprehensive understanding of different aspects of marketing, including market research, consumer behavior, branding, and digital marketing. The curriculum is regularly updated to keep up with the ever-changing marketing landscape, ensuring that students receive the most relevant and up-to-date education.

The campus has a vibrant and diverse student community, with a range of extracurricular activities and events that cater to different interests. From sports clubs to cultural societies, there's always something going on, which creates a dynamic and engaging learning environment.

In terms of the campus itself, it's modern and well-equipped, with state-of-the-art facilities that support student learning and growth. The library is particularly impressive, with a vast collection of resources and a dedicated team of librarians who are always on hand to assist students with their research.

As for job prospects, Tecnocampus has a strong network of industry connections, which helps students secure internships and job opportunities after graduation. The university also provides career guidance and support, including workshops and events that help students develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the job market.
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The student environment and job opportunities
The international relationship
Useful  |  2
Pública y de calidad
Liuva R
Spain, Undergraduate
Political Science, 2023
La UPF es una universidad de Barcelona con nombre internacional, que a lo largo de los años ha ido ampliando su oferta académica, pero que destaca de entre otras universidades de la ciudad catalana por su alto nivel docente en el ámbito de las Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas. 
Respecto a las/os docentes, estos tienen un alto nivel de preparación, así como un intenso recorrido en su materia. Es todo un honor poder aprender de profesionales como ellas y ellos. Paralelamente, debe ser destacado el elevado nivel de exigencia de la universidad, el cual se traduce a lo largo de los años como éxito profesional/laboral. 

Referente a la vida universitaria y el ambiente del campus es especialmente relevante la homogeneidad entre culturas distintas, no solo en términos de internacionalidad sino a nivel nacional, ya que gran parte del alumnado proviene de pueblos o ciudades de alrededor de la Península. En consecuencia, el campus está lleno de puntos de vista distintos y un joven alumnado dispuesto a aprender y disfrutar tanto de los estudios universitarios como de la propia ciudad barcelonense.
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Renombre, oportunidades y docència
Organización interna
Useful  |  2
UPF's international professional help
Julia C
Spain, Undergraduate
Economics, 2023
I am currently looking for a suitable internship for me, starting this next academic year. Since this July my exchange in the Netherlands (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, EUR) will come to an end, I am more inclined to also do an internship abroad; that's why I've also registered to iAgora, as well as made use of UPF's online tools.
The UPF offers a lot of useful information online, as well as professionals whose job is to guide students in their non-academic aspirations. This guidance includes videocalls with said professionals, where they provide very relevant information about the CV, job-offer portals, as well as how to make a good use of the social network linkedIn. Finally, there's also a UPF portal that links undergraduates/alumni to companies quite easily. Thus simplifying the search process for UPF students.
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In my opinion, the videocall with the professional career-counselor; she really calmed me down and walked me through the process from student to worker in a very efficient and down-to-earth way.
When students contact the International Mobility office, they may take long to reply, and they're not too keen on answering calls.
Useful  |  2
Ludwig Maximilians Universität München, Munich, Germany
Economics, Undergraduate, Erasmus
I wish I had known...
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In my opinion:
Most people loved it.
Important factors in my choice
(1) Unimportant – (4) Very important
Academic reasons
Campus life
Party / people
Weather / location
Personal recommendation
Its one of the best University of Spain. The quality standard is very high and you could study very good.
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During my experience abroad, I ...
(1) Never – (4) A lot
Became familiar with another culture
Improved language skills
Met people from other countries
Became more independent
Partied a lot
Experienced a change in life
Advanced my studies & career
Final comments
If you come from Germany its helpful to have a current account at Deutsche Bank, because you get money without fees. You should go to the south of Spain to see other the real Spain flavour. In Barcelona its all mixed. My favourite town is Granada and Sevilla.
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Useful  |  0
Enriquecedora y exigente
Political Science, 2024
La Pompeu Fabra es una universidad competitiva y exigente, que gracias a su modalidad de trimestres permite condensar el aprendizaje y los conocimientos. Asimismo, su modalidad de clases magistrales y seminarios garantizan dicho aprendizaje así como permiten profundizar en muchos aspectos. El profesorado es muy variado, y aunque aún hay muchas carencias en cuanto a la paridad e igualdad de género,  se nota que realizan aspectos para una mejora. También hay mucha variedad de alumnos, aunque existe un eficiente clima de estudio dadas las elevadas notas de corte de la selectividad para acceder a los grados que se imparten. Finalmente, la vida estudiantil es correcta. Si bien es cierto que no se ofrecen muchas facilidades para la vida en el campus, hay cierta movilización estudiantil.
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No he tratado con ella
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El modelo trimestral y la exigencia
La perspectiva de género e interseccional, y la vida estudiantil
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